GWS Sarawak Black Pepper Ground 50g (Bottle)


Black pepper is considered the “king of spices” and Sarawak black pepper is among the best peppers in the world. Its unique taste and aroma makes it a popular spice in Western and Asian food. It is commonly used to rub onto meats, poultry and fish before roasting or cooking. Examples: Black Pepper Steak, Black Pepper Chicken, Sup Daging, Peppered Salmon.

黑胡椒被称为是香料之王。然而,砂拉越的胡椒誉为全球最佳的胡椒生产国之一。黑胡椒也是许多料理 中无可或缺的香料。黑胡椒的用法有许多,通常可在烹煮或烘烤涂抹于肉类提味等等。

SKU: GPCB-GROBO0050-20 Category:
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The steam treatment which is a modern, hygienic and chemical-free process applied to the pepper to destroy food pathogens and drastically reduce the total plate count, meeting international food safety standards.


Product Information

100% Pure Pepper, Steam Sterilized, Premium grade, No additives, Halal certified by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Halal certified, Lab tested, approved & certified by Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB)


百分百纯正胡椒. 蒸汽灭菌 优质等级 无防腐剂 无添加剂 清真认证* *经马来西亚胡椒局检验, 批准和认证