Our Story

Bountiful Harvest was started in February of 2014 with a humble intent to bring good produces of nature to people. Its entrepreneurial founders had developed a great passion for great produces found in nature and were exceptionally keen to retain the best harvest and quality of nature to be made accessible to people, at all times possible, to consider bringing the best rather than making the most out of nature.

With such resolute principle, Bountiful Harvest started to source quality dried wild sea cucumber from the famed sea of Papua New Guinea into Singapore, under the local brand of ‘Jia Feng’. Over time, Jia Feng is recognized for its assurance and upholding of quality. Although the business started as a small humble wholesaling company determined to bring in the best, over the years Bountiful Harvest deepened a better appreciation of the market and seasonal nature of produces. Exploring and sourcing for more good produces of nature is matched with deepened concerns to harvest responsibly and ethically. Today, Bountiful Harvest has widen its net to bring a more diverse range of produces such as Bird’s Nest, Fish Maw, Pepper and expect to have Rock Salt, Sago, Kerisik (Toasted Coconut Paste) and other great produces to be added to the range. Bountiful Harvest is passionate in finding great produces to harvest and bring to people.

Bountiful Harvest abides by stringent internal quality control, to ensure that premium grades of produces are delivered to our customers. We are very thankful to a strong customer network support that loyally trusts in our brand. Bountiful Harvest is determined to always work on opportunities to source for great produces and by so doing, persevere on reaching people with the best of Nature.

Angela Tiong, one of the founders of Bountiful Harvest has a strong connection with family members in Papua New Guinea who have been harvesting sea produces for decades. She picks up from her family’s ethics to love people and nature and the blessings from the land. She continues in the faith of being a blessing to others and operates the business with a deep passion to impact and reach people by being authentic and sincere.

At Bountiful Harvest, we want to reach people with the best of Nature!

– Angela Tiong


Why choose Bountiful Harvest?


Premium Quality

The core value of Bountiful Harvest is to meticulously source and to be selective over what is brought to our customers. We have learnt from experience to only sell produces that we have tried and in which we have confidence in maintaining quality.

Premium Services

We are interested in being a blessing and to know our customers well, which includes developing a relationship with our customers so that we can respond to the needs and attention in the produces.

Sustainable Harvesting

Another core principle of Bountiful Harvest is that we are interested and only supportive of harvesting methods that preserves nature and sustains the well-being of the environment and of people.

Featured Brand

Jia Feng is a local Singapore brand that was created to be recognized as a trustworthy household name that is to be established by the core principles of Bountiful Harvest, where customers can expect premium quality, services and upright ethics in its support of sustainable harvesting. It is recognized by its striking square-stamped imprint combining the Chinese Characters of ‘Jia– excellent quality, Feng– plentiful in harvest’.