Terms of Use

General Terms and Conditions for Online Sales

READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU CLICK THE “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions” BUTTON.

I. Subject and scope

(1) These General Terms and Conditions for Online Sales (hereinafter referred to as “General Terms”) apply to all purchase orders you place on the Bountiful Harvest Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as BHPL) online store located at https://bountifulharvest.com.sg/ (hereinafter referred to as “Website”).

(2) These General Terms shall apply exclusively. We do not accept any conflicting or deviating terms and conditions, unless this has been agreed in the individual case with a legal representative of BHPL in writing. Our General Terms shall apply to deliveries even in the event that the conflicting or deviating terms have not been contradicted by BHPL.

(3) These General Terms apply equally to commercial entities and consumers. Differing provisions for consumers have been made where necessary.

II. Order process and conclusion of purchase agreement

(1) The product presentation on our Website does not represent an offer but shall be understood as a non-binding invitation for the customer to submit an order.

(2) By clicking the “Place order” button, you send us a binding offer for the conclusion of a purchase agreement with BHPL regarding the items in your shopping cart (hereinafter referred to as “Order”).

(3) BHPL may, at its discretion, accept or reject the Order. BHPL will accept your Order by sending an order confirmation. Unless otherwise stated, the effective date of the purchase agreement is the date on which BHPL confirms by email the acceptance of your Order. In case of purchase on advance payment, the purchase agreement is subject to the condition of and shall become binding for BHPL only upon receipt of the full payment for the purchase.

(4) If you place an Order through our Website, the ordering process comprises four steps:

  1. You select the desired goods.
  2. You check all items in your shopping cart and apply any necessary changes. You click the “Check out” button to proceed to payment.
  3. If you have not already done so, you log into your user account with email and password and enter the required customer data for the invoice.
  4. With our order confirmation and/or delivery, we will send you a copy of the corresponding Order, including the corresponding invoice, to your email address.

III. Prices, delivery costs, duties and taxes

(1) All prices quoted on our Website are in Singapore Dollars (SGD) net, including taxes or charges that may apply to the particular case.

(2) If you are a consumer resident in the European Union or if you represent a European entity without valid VAT ID number, the legal value added tax (VAT) applicable for your country is added to the amount of the product price, as specified on the checkout page.

(4) Any additional custom taxes, duties, fees, imposts, tariffs and charges that may be raised by particular countries or authorities related to the conclusion or execution of your Order shall be borne by you. In the event BHPL is required to pay such charges to any authority, you shall indemnify and hold harmless BHPL for any such payments.

(5) In the event of obvious errors on the Website or made in connection with your Order, BHPL reserves the right to correct the error and charge you the correct price.

IV. Payment conditions

(1) You can select one of the payments methods described on the Website. BHPL reserves the right to exclude or include particular payment methods at any time.

(2) In case of payment by credit card, PayPal, your payment will be executed by our payment service provider PayPal using their discrete secure infrastructure. PayPal reserves the right to decline the processing of payments in cases of suspected fraud or other irregularity.

(3) You may not set off any amounts due whatsoever from BHPL against amounts due to BHPL, unless expressly allowed by mandatory Consumer protection law.

V. Delivery

(1) BHPL shall deliver the Order upon confirmation of your successful payment of the purchase price. Time for delivery shall be prolonged by reasonable periods in case of force majeure or other events for which BHPL is not responsible, such as disruptions in operations, strikes, authority measures, or troubles with telecommunications.

(2) The Order shall remain the property of BHPL until all liabilities under the Order have been paid in full, the earlier passing of the risk notwithstanding.

VI.  Use of personal information

(1) By completing the contact form, you ensure and take full responsibility that the entered data truly identifies you as a natural person or as a representative of the specified organization. If you place an Order on behalf of an organization, you ensure that you have the authority to do so. In particular, you are responsible that any VAT/GST number you enter is appropriate and correct.

(2) BHPL is not liable for any consequences that may result from incorrect, incomplete, or false information you have entered or from data you have changed subsequently to your Order.

(3) In case of online payments, you are required to enter your payment details. Online payment information related to your Order is processed by BHPL’s payment service provider PayPal. BHPL does not receive detailed information (such as your credit card number) from transactions but instead receives information about whether the payment has been performed successfully or not.

(4) By placing your Order, you agree that your contact and payment information may be used to process your payment and to execute your Order.

VII. Data protection

(1) BHPL shall comply with the provisions of the Singaporean Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and take all reasonable measures to keep your personal information confidential and secure.

(2) BHPL will disclose your personal information to third parties only to the extent necessary to process your payment, to enforce and fulfil the purchase agreement, to comply with legal and administrative obligations.

(3) BHP will not disclose your personal information to any third parties for marketing and advertising purposes without your explicit consent.

VIII. Liability

Unless BHPL is proven to have defaulted intentionally or through gross negligence, claims for damages or the rescission of the contract on grounds of late delivery is excluded. BHPL’s total liability in any matter arising out of or related to these General Terms is limited to the purchase price.

IX. Miscellaneous

(1) BHPL may assign, transfer or otherwise dispose its rights and obligations under the purchase agreement with you, in whole or in part, at any time without notice to you. You may not assign the purchase agreement or transfer any rights hereunder.

(2) If any part of these General Terms is or becomes legally invalid or ineffective, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby. In this case, the invalid or ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision which comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid or ineffective provision.

(3) BHPL reserves the right to amend these General Terms after prior written notification. Changes shall apply to your existing purchase agreements only, subject to the conditions that BHPL has informed you about the intended changes in writing and that you did not object to the changes within a period of four weeks.

(4) Any and all changes and amendments to a purchase agreement concluded with BHPL shall be submitted in writing. This shall also apply to a waiver of this written form clause.

(5) The place of performance regarding delivery and payment shall exclusively be Singapore.

(6) These General Terms shall be governed by Singaporean law, to the exclusion of its conflict of law rules. The application of the United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall be excluded. The place of jurisdiction shall be the court having subject-matter jurisdiction in Singapore. If you are a purchaser outside the Singapore, BHPL is entitled to bring action against you regarding all disputes related to the purchase agreement also at your residence, registered office or place of establishment.

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